
Come spend 2 days with me in Miami, Florida.


First and foremost this not like anything you have been to before. 
This is an intimate, GET SHIT DONE type of event. 

Our last DWD (Date with Dave) was so amazing we decided to expand it to 2 days to make the most of your trip. 

This time  I am bringing all new content and showing you how to design your day, your life, and your business so it SERVES YOU, not the other way around. 

I know that one second can impact your life in ways you cannot imagine, so 2 days in a room with me…yes it can change everything for you.

I believe energy is everything and being live and in person together creates an energy for change, transformation, and Next Level growth you cannot even imagine. 

What will you work on?

As always, thats up to you. 
But here is what we have planned. 

Our focus is your business, of course.
Whats working, whats not, and show you how to fix it, plain and simple. 
But any problem in a business is a problem with the entrepreneur, right?

I have found that the biggest business problems any business owner has is rooted in one of the 3 key areas of their life. These areas are so key, that if one of them is off, even a little, it has a drastic affect on your ability to manage and grow a business.
So thats where we start, the root of it all.
We start with YOU. 

Day 1 starts with YOU.

The 3 KEYS to a life you love.
This is where success and happiness come from.
The rest of day one  we get to work on your business. 

Day 2 is all about your BUSINESS. 

We work on whats working, whats not, and what needs to happen for the most growth in the shortest amount of time. 


Can 2 days change your life?


If you can put aside all your fears, worries, and doubts and just SHOW UP to this event with an open mind and a blank piece of paper, this can change your entire life. 


This requires 2 investments on your part. 
The first one is easy, Money. You have to be willing to invest in yourself, put yourself in the room so the magic can happen. This is not an EXPENSE, its an investment. The ONLY thing that can outperform action is investment. You are worth it. 

The second investment is your time. This is a bit harder and honestly way more valuable. You have to be willing to show up, give your time, and then make the time needed to execute on everything you learn, design, and create at the event. 


Members only ACCESS

50% off until Feb 1

Only $1497 (Reg $2997)

This is a members only price.
Members can register friends or family to join them at this price as well. 
Price is until Feb 1st, or it sells out. 
Seats are limited.
Price is for the event only.
Hotel and airfare are extra. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Click a question below to reveal the answers

The Price is for the 2 day event itself. 

Airfare and hotel will be extra. 

We go full days on March 28th and 29th.
Plan to arrive the day before and leave the day after. 
All travel details will be shared after you ticket is confirmed. 

Flights and hotel are extra

The event is in Miami. You can fly into Miami (MIA) or Fort Lauderdale (FLL). 
Details on hotel booking will be released after your ticket is confirmed. 

You show up, you do the work, you see the results. That may sound super simple, but that does not mean it’s easy

There is no minimum income required. 
The skills, tools, and coaching will bring value to anyone at any level. 

Still have questions?

Email us anytime:

© [get_the_year] Moreno Coaching
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